Make the most of your investment in explainer and demo videos

Demo videos are one of the best ways to engage and motivate buyers who are researching a business purchase. Ask any B2B sales or marketing team and they’ll tell you that video is one of their most effective tools for generating leads and closing deals. But, as with all digital B2B marketing tactics, truly maximizing your investment relies …

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In times of economic uncertainty, some B2B sellers instinctively freeze their marketing budget as a way to cut costs. What these companies ultimately learn is that just stopping your marketing efforts is the best way to make sure you have no revenue coming in the door when the economy recovers. Fortunately, most of our clients here at Autodemo …

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Demo videos are one of the best investments you can make to engage, educate and motivate potential customers. In fact, about the only misstep that can undermine your ROI on such projects is a flawed demo video production process that results in videos being late, off-message, over budget, or misaligned with your overall marketing strategy. Here …

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A software launch for a new B2B solution or version release is a big deal. Depending on the magnitude of the launch, it can make your next two quarters – or completely derail the future of your company.

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Explainer or demo videos are more than just the images and sounds that ultimately play in a viewers’ web browser. They are also weeks of topical research, storyboarding, scripting, branding alignment, and other high-value efforts. All of these elements represent a significant investment, and carefully planning how to leverage these assets across …

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