Demo Videos

Video is the perfect content format for beginning sales conversations about business software solutions. Software explainer and demo videos are engaging, powerful, and viewers remember what they learn. In fact, research shows that customers are about five times as likely to retain information they see in a video when compared to …

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After spending more than two decades working with clients on evolving explainer and demo video needs, one thing that we see often is confusion around when it makes sense to use unique, brand-specific stock video for marketing materials. A pervasive idea in the marketing space is that stock content should be avoided, …

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When you’re creating a product demo video that’s meant to win hearts (and sales), it can be easy to go overboard. Data and details may seem too important to leave out, but at this stage—brief is often better. Don’t lose sight of the primary goals when …

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An excellent product demo video that successfully shows off the strength of your solution can function as a key touchpoint in your funnel. In fact, the most successful product demo videos should be able to stand on their own when it comes to hooking a prospect and getting them to take that vital next step toward conversion. 

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After months or sometimes even years of buzz around a new product, a live demo can be the clincher for gaining public buy-in or consumer interest. Here’s the big moment; finally you’re ready to provide something tangible for your audience. This is especially true if your demo offers some kind of wow factor (and, …

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